Keiryu Practical Karate

Plantation Hall , Colchester Road, Heybridge, Essex, CM9 4AL.

Book a FREE Trial Lesson

Tel: 07720258658

August Blog Post


July went by on a flash, and we’re now enjoying training twice a week at our Heybridge Dojo. The new members are making great progress, and our graded members are happily knocking off the cobwebs. 

It’s been really hot out there, but the air conditioning in the dojo makes everything better. Why isn’t this luxury in every dojo?! 

Behind the scenes I’ve been busy planning, training, and working hard to create more training opportunities.
There will be another night to train for teens and adults – this time at another location. 

When will there be a class for children..?
Well, continue reading, dear friend (see September)…

On July 1st we (re)opened. Monday nights, 20:00-21:00 This was a teens & adults class, and it was great to be back teaching, training, and in a gi regularly. From week one it was clear that once a week wasn’t enough. I needed more, and the students wanted that too. 

August 3rd was our first Saturday morning class 10:00-11:00 Again, this is a teens and adults class. 

Both of these classes are going well, despite them interfering with my regulator gym routine, but I’ve happily adjusted my routine, and I’m hitting the gym With Denise before the Saturday classes. 

It’s going to be a busy month with the new school year, the addition of a kids class, and another training night which will be at a new location.

On Thursday, September 5th 20:00-21:00 we open at Danbury Leisure Centre. Another lovely venue, and a studio with mats, mirrors, and more air conditioning. This is another teens and adults class. 

**Kids Karate**
Falling in line with the new school term, I’m very happy to announce that our kids class will begin on Saturday, 14th September 09:00-09:50

Other Stuff

  • Membership
    Those of you who are already training, but who haven’t paid for your licence/membership, please do this by the end of this week (August 18th).
  • Kit
    It’s time to get your kit ordered. Karate gi, belts, Keiryu & BCKA badges, gloves, gumshields.

We also have some club merchandise available to purchase through the following link:

  • Calendar
    Please keep track of notable dates which are listed on our website. There’s a few dates coming when there’s no training due to my annual leave, hall availability issues, and when I’m doing a fire walk for charity. 
    You can view or print the calendar (image below) on the website:
  • Seminars
    There’s always opportunities for additional training, and seminars are probably my favourite. 

The next one that I’m attending  is on Sunday, 22nd September, where Iain Abernethy will be teaching an open session in Waltham Cross. At this event Iain will be covering the methods of Morinobu Itoman.
As a police officer, Itoman understood how to apply karate against violent criminals. Iain will cover Itomans principles, tactics, thoughts on karate, use of the environment, improvised weaponry, karate locks, throws, strikes, etc.

IMPORTANT: Due to venue capacity the numbers will be strictly limited. Please be sure to act promptly in order to secure places. The cost is £40 per person and please contact Terry Monksfield on 07515508766 (or alternatively in order to book


Time-lapse footage from some classes are already uploaded to our YouTube page. You can find and follow us here: @keiryukarate

I think that’s it for now, but I’ll keep you posted with any updates. I look forward to seeing you soon.


Keiryu Practical Karate