Return of the Dojo
My name is Lee Mullan, and it’s with great pleasure that I can announce the return of Keiryu Practical Karate. I’ve had a break from teaching karate for a couple of years, but I’ve still been attending seminars, doing my own training, as well as regularly going to the gym, and attending yoga classes.
I’m returning gradually, opening with a Teens & Adults class at Plantation Hall, Colchester Road, Heybridge CM9 4AL
I’m really excited to be getting back to teaching.., and to see you all again. Returning students, experienced martial artists, and beginners are all welcome.
On Sunday, 9th June I’m heading to John Jarvis’s Kazoku Karate’s dojo in Shinfield to attend an Iain Abernethy seminar which will cover the 12 two-person drills of Choki Motobu (1870–1944). Motobu, unlike many of his contemporaries, was of the firm view that karate should remain a functional self-protection system and not aspire to become a modern budo, with an emphasis on exercise and personal development. His drills are all close-range, direct, take control, limit the enemy’s options and take into account the enemy’s likely actions.
Motobu never founded a style, and these drills can be utilised by karateka of all backgrounds. You will also see a lot of commonalities with the methods found in the traditional kata. I will also cover Seinipo / Juniho, which is the kata I made to record the methods of Motobu. Participants will leave the seminar with a working knowledge of Motobu’s drills, his methodology, and have a kata to aid memory and for solo practise.
I’m really looking forward to this seminar as it’s great content, and lots of fun. It’s always great to attend seminars to learn and refresh skills, and to catch up with friends.
I’ll post a write up and some photos from the event next week.
That’s it for now, so I’ll sign off by saying thank you to all of you for your interest, support, and your friendship.
Lee Mullan
Keiryu Practical Karate